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Are you a government official or industry professional interested in working with us?

Sea Ranger

Full-time Port Talbot, Neath area, UK


The Sea Ranger Service is the world’s first maritime ranger service. Using sailing workships, we carry out nature management tasks on behalf of the government and offshore companies. These tasks are performed by Sea Rangers: young adults selected and trained annually after participating in the Sea Ranger Bootcamp. Sea Rangers carry out nature monitoring and restoration work at sea, while learning on the job and furthering their development

As a Sea Ranger, you’ll be out at sea, conducting monitoring and conservation work through assignments for our partners. These tasks involve everything from monitoring shipwrecks to marine wildlife observation. Besides the contracted work, you’ll learn the ropes of sailing and living at sea. The professional crew on board will train you, setting you up for a career in the maritime sector after your time as a Sea Ranger. Sea Rangers in the past have measured water quality, researched and restored seagrass meadows, and even used drones for surveillance purposes. So, as a Sea Ranger, you’re not just working on the sea; you’re working actively for the sea.

Experience No diploma required
Location Port Talbot, Neath area, UK