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Are you a government official or industry professional interested in working with us?

Our Mission

Enabling the next generation to make nature and people future-proof.


Restore 1 million hectares of ocean biodiversity by 2040.

Maritime Training

Train 20,000 young people to kickstart their maritime career by 2040.


The work of the Sea Ranger Service covers a wide range of industries, countries, sectors and generations. In each of these areas we aim for affecting structural systems change for the good of people and nature.


Sea Ranger Bootcamp

Each year we put young people through our rigorous 9 day programme. They are challenged on their physical ability, mental strength, team-working skills and more. The purpose: to see who has the motivation, determination and development potential to benefit most from becoming a full-time Sea Ranger.

We use low emission ships

When working out at sea or in the field, we try and minimise our impact as much as possible. This includes the low emission sailing vessels that we use for our offshore work.

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capacity for nature

Working to support scientific, conservation and government organisations, Sea Rangers are trained and deployed to assist in a variety of nature programmes. They offer valuable capacity as 'boots on the ground' to implement restoration at scale.

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